Eclipse resolve conflict git-CarlZeng
1. Pull 下载远程代码到本地仓库 2. Conflict Detected 检测冲突 Merge Tool 合并工具 Resolve Conflicts 解决冲突 界面介绍:左边为您当前编辑的文件版本,右边为远程下载到本地仓库后检测到的冲突的版本。 这个步骤的主要关键点:在左侧编辑,至少修改一
1. Pull 下载远程代码到本地仓库
2. Conflict Detected 检测冲突
Merge Tool 合并工具
Resolve Conflicts 解决冲突
The Merge tool is handled similar to SVN conflict resolution. You have to do one at least one edit in the local (left) source file and save. Otherwise the conflicts will not be resolved. To ensure merging worked, open the source file in its default editor.
3. Push 上传